Multicriterion optimization refers to problems with two or more objectives (n- mally in con?ict with each other) which must be simultaneously satis?ed. Multicriterion optimization problems have not one but a set of solutions (which represent trade-o's among the objectives), which are called Pareto optimal - lutions. Thus, the main goal in multicriterion optimization is to ?nd or to - proximate the set of Pareto optimal solutions. Evolutionary algorithms have been used for solving multicriterion optimization problems for over two decades, gaining an increasing popularity over the last 10...
Multicriterion optimization refers to problems with two or more objectives (n- mally in con?ict with each other) which must be simultaneously satis?ed...
The 2nd International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimi- tion (EMO 2003) was held on April 8-11, 2003, at the University of the Algarve in Faro, Portugal. This was the second international conference dedicated en- rely to this important topic, following the very successful EMO 2001 conference, whichwasheldinZuric ] h, Switzerland, inMarch2001.EMO2003wasco-located with the IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and S- nal Processing (ICONS 2003), exposing EMO to a wider audience of scientists and engineers. The EMO 2003 scienti?c program included two...
The 2nd International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimi- tion (EMO 2003) was held on April 8-11, 2003, at the University of the Algarv...