At first glance the prime numbers appear to be distributed in a very irregular way amongst the integers, but it is possible to produce a simple formula that tells (in an approximate but well-defined sense) how many primes can be found that are less than any integer. The prime number theorem tells what this formula is and it is indisputably one of the the great classical theorems of mathematics. This textbook introduces the prime number theorem and is suitable for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. The author deftly shows how analytical tools can be used in number theory...
At first glance the prime numbers appear to be distributed in a very irregular way amongst the integers, but it is possible to produce a simple formul...
At first glance the prime numbers appear to be distributed in a very irregular way amongst the integers, but it is possible to produce a simple formula that tells (in an approximate but well-defined sense) how many primes can be found that are less than any integer. The prime number theorem tells what this formula is and it is indisputably one of the the great classical theorems of mathematics. This textbook introduces the prime number theorem and is suitable for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. The author deftly shows how analytical tools can be used in number theory...
At first glance the prime numbers appear to be distributed in a very irregular way amongst the integers, but it is possible to produce a simple formul...
This book contains a rigorous coverage of those topics (and only those topics) that, in the author's judgement, are suitable for inclusion in a first course on Complex Functions. Roughly speaking, these can be summarized as being the things that can be done with Cauchy's integral formula and the residue theorem. On the theoretical side, this includes the basic core of the theory of differentiable complex functions, a theory which is unsurpassed in Mathematics for its cohesion, elegance and wealth of surprises. On the practical side, it includes the computational applications of the residue...
This book contains a rigorous coverage of those topics (and only those topics) that, in the author's judgement, are suitable for inclusion in a first ...