The teaching of solid state physics essentially concerns focusing on crystals and their properties. We study crystals and their properties because of the simple and elegant results obtained from the analysis of a spatially periodic system; this is why the analysis can be made considering a small set of atoms that represent the whole system of many particles. In contrast to the formal neat approach to crystals, the study of str- turally disordered condensed systems is somewhat complicated and often leads to relatively imprecise results, not to mention the experimental and computational e?ort...
The teaching of solid state physics essentially concerns focusing on crystals and their properties. We study crystals and their properties because of ...
This book originates from lectures delivered at the First International School "Laser-surface interactions for new materials production: tailoring structure and properties" that was held in San Servolo Island, Venice (Italy) from 13 to 20 July, 2008 under the direction of A. Miotello and P. M. Ossi. The purpose of the School was to provide the students (mainly PhD) with a compreh- sive overview of basic aspects and applications connected to the laser-matter interaction both to modify surface properties and to prepare new materials by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) at the nanometer scale. The...
This book originates from lectures delivered at the First International School "Laser-surface interactions for new materials production: tailoring str...
The teaching of solid state physics essentially concerns focusing on crystals and their properties. We study crystals and their properties because of the simple and elegant results obtained from the analysis of a spatially periodic system; this is why the analysis can be made considering a small set of atoms that represent the whole system of many particles. In contrast to the formal neat approach to crystals, the study of str- turally disordered condensed systems is somewhat complicated and often leads to relatively imprecise results, not to mention the experimental and computational e?ort...
The teaching of solid state physics essentially concerns focusing on crystals and their properties. We study crystals and their properties because of ...
Der Band IX der Kolner Papyri gibt einen vortrefflichen Eindruck von der Vielfalt der Stucke, die sich in der Kolner Sammlung befinden. Die Texte umfassen die Zeitspanne vom 3. Jh. v. Chr. bis etwa ins 8. Jh. n. Chr.; sie sind nicht nur in Griechisch, sondern auch in Koptisch geschrieben; die Schreibmaterialien sind nicht nur die eigentlichen Papyri, sondern auch Ostra ka, Holz, Pergament und sogar Papier, und schliesslich geht es um eine Viel falt von Themenbereichen. Die literarisch-christlichen Texte (Nr. 356-363) bieten unter anderem Neues fur den Medizinhistoriker, aber auch etwa fur den...
Der Band IX der Kolner Papyri gibt einen vortrefflichen Eindruck von der Vielfalt der Stucke, die sich in der Kolner Sammlung befinden. Die Texte umfa...