Spanning the many advancements that have taken place in the field since the First Edition of this book was published, this Second Edition emphasizes the imaging of the skin in its entirety, rather than focusing solely on surface layers. The Second Edition includes new chapters on technologies such as in vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, nuclear magnetic imaging, high-resolution ultrasound, in vivo skin topometry, and multi-photon imaging of the skin.
Spanning the many advancements that have taken place in the field since the First Edition of this book was published, this Second Edition emphasizes t...
Since skin forms the interface between the human body and the environm ent, its mechanical properties are important in health and disease. Bi oengineering of the Skin: Skin Biomechanics gives a thorough introduct ion in the biological basis of skin biomechanics. It explains the non- invasive methods that allow measurement of the mechanical properties o f the skin focusing on commercially available instruments. Written by internationally leading experts in the field of non-invasive measureme nt technology of the skin, this volume describes the anatomy, biochemi stry, physiology, and pathology...
Since skin forms the interface between the human body and the environm ent, its mechanical properties are important in health and disease. Bi oenginee...