This work, perhaps for the first time, provides a description of the great variety of proposals at EEC level for the reform and harmonisation of intellectual property law. It addresses patents, copyright and neighbouring rights, trade marks, biotechnology, semiconductor chips, topography right, industrial designs and plant breeders' rights. Save as required for the purpose of shedding light on the EEC proposals, it does not attempt to examine member states' national laws. In the case of industrial designs, where no harmonisation has yet been proposed, a very brief survey of national...
This work, perhaps for the first time, provides a description of the great variety of proposals at EEC level for the reform and harmonisation of intel...
John Barton and Peter Groves present a range of chapters by leading scholarly voices from the worlds of biblical studies and the Church, looking at the study of the New Testament within and around the Church and the impact it has had and can have on Christian theology.
The essays in the volume adopt a style of critical engagement with biblical texts, through the prism of a modern and living Church. The focus of the volume is thus not only upon the New Testament itself, but upon how reading the New Testament is important for dialogue within the Church and within Christian...
John Barton and Peter Groves present a range of chapters by leading scholarly voices from the worlds of biblical studies and the Church, looking at...