"In December 1945, at the base of cliffs that run along the Nile River near the modern-day town of Nag Hammadi, an Egyptian farmer discovered, in a sealed jar, thirteen ancient Coptic codices containing more than fifty separate tracts. This discovery represented arguably the most significant manuscript discovery of the twentieth century for the study of the New Testament and Christian origins. Of all the texts in this Nag Hammadi Library, none has been more celebrated than the Gospel of Thomas--a Gospel that has played a crucial role in the newly emerging view of early Christianity as a very...
"In December 1945, at the base of cliffs that run along the Nile River near the modern-day town of Nag Hammadi, an Egyptian farmer discovered, in a se...
Most of the Nag Hammadi texts originated in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. They form one of the most important manuscript rediscoveries of the 20th century, and their importance for Biblical scholars and Church historians in particular can hardly be overestimated. This volume presents the first complete German translation of the approximately 50 Nag Hammadi texts as well as the Berlin Codex 8502 as an affordable paperback.
Most of the Nag Hammadi texts originated in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. They form one of the most important manuscript rediscoveries of the 20th cen...
Diese Studienausgabe bietet die vollstandige Ubersetzung der ca. 50 Schriften des Handschriftenfundes von Nag Hammadi sowie der Texte des Codex Berolinensis 8502. Fur die dritte Auflage wurde der Band korrigiert und aktualisiert sowie um zwei Texte des erst 2007 veroffentlichten Codex Tchacos erweitert. Die mehrheitlich im 2. und 3. Jahrhundert entstandenen Texte gehoren zu den wichtigsten handschriftlichen Neuentdeckungen des 20. Jahrhunderts und sind fur das Studium der Bibelwissenschaften und fruhen Kirchengeschichte von kaum zu uberschatzender Bedeutung."
Diese Studienausgabe bietet die vollstandige Ubersetzung der ca. 50 Schriften des Handschriftenfundes von Nag Hammadi sowie der Texte des Codex Beroli...