Alliance and Illusion is the definitive assessment of Canadian foreign policy in the modern era. A nuanced study of Canada's political leaders and the international influences that have driven external affairs, it gives invaluable context to today's policy dilemmas. Essential reading for Canadian foreign policy makers, analysts, scholars, and students, as well as Canadian history and foreign affairs enthusiasts.
Alliance and Illusion is the definitive assessment of Canadian foreign policy in the modern era. A nuanced study of Canada's political leade...
Alliance and Illusion is the definitive assessment of Canadian foreign policy in the modern era. A nuanced study of Canada's political leaders and the international influences that have driven external affairs, it gives invaluable context to today's policy dilemmas. Essential reading for Canadian foreign policy makers, analysts, scholars, and students, as well as Canadian history and foreign affairs enthusiasts.
Alliance and Illusion is the definitive assessment of Canadian foreign policy in the modern era. A nuanced study of Canada's political leade...
Canada is in many ways a country of limits, a paradox for a place that enjoys virtually unlimited space. Most of that space is uninhabited, and much of it is uninhabitable. It is a country with a huge North but with most of its population in the South, hugging the American border. Canada's history, eminent historian Robert Bothwell argues, is more than simply regional or national. In some respects Canada makes most sense when viewed from the outside in. The world has always seen Canada as a terrain for experiment and a land of opportunity. The colonies and regions and disparate...
Canada is in many ways a country of limits, a paradox for a place that enjoys virtually unlimited space. Most of that space is uninhabited, and much o...
This edition offers a critical overview of a number of landmarks in the last 100 years of Canadian foreign policy. The editors take a look at the now almost mainstream 'declinist' thesis and at the continued relevance of Canada's relationships with its principal allies - the United Kingdom, France and the United States.
This edition offers a critical overview of a number of landmarks in the last 100 years of Canadian foreign policy. The editors take a look at the now ...
This edition offers a critical overview of a number of landmarks in the last 100 years of Canadian foreign policy. The editors take a look at the now almost mainstream 'declinist' thesis and at the continued relevance of Canada's relationships with its principal allies - the United Kingdom, France and the United States.
This edition offers a critical overview of a number of landmarks in the last 100 years of Canadian foreign policy. The editors take a look at the now ...