British Medical Association Morgan David R. Morgan
At the last Annual Representative Meeting of the British Medical Association a motion was passed that certain additional cannabinoids should be legalized for wider medicinal use.'' This report supports this landmark statement by reviewing the scientific evidence for the therapeutic use of cannabinoids and sets the agenda for change. It will be welcomed by those who believe that cannabinoids can be used in medical treatment. The report discusses in a clear and readable form the use and adverse effects of the drug for nausea, multiple sclerosis, pain, epilepsy, glaucoma, and asthma.
At the last Annual Representative Meeting of the British Medical Association a motion was passed that certain additional cannabinoids should be legali...
Unlike other works in the field, "Intergovernmental Relations and Public Policy" deals with all levels of intergovernmental relations in the United States. Following an introductory section on the intergovernmental setting of public-policy, the book explores federal-state, state-local, and federal-state-local relations. There are discussions of health and safety, natural resources and environmental regulatory policy, federal aid programs, state small community development programs, and many other areas of current concern. Each of the fifteen chapters examines a significant development in...
Unlike other works in the field, "Intergovernmental Relations and Public Policy" deals with all levels of intergovernmental relations in the United...
Robert E. England John P. Pelissero David R. Morgan
Guides students through the politics of urban management-doing less with more while managing conflict, delivering goods and services, responding to federal and state mandates, adapting to changing demographics, and coping with economic and budgetary challenges.
Guides students through the politics of urban management-doing less with more while managing conflict, delivering goods and services, responding to fe...