That macroeconomic theory and macroeconometrics are, in the near future and more than ever, indispensable tools in the study of economics is no longer a very cont- versial statement. It is now generally agreed that economic theory, combined with historical, statistical and mathematical methods are necessary at the theoretical level, to formulate problems precisely, to draw conclusions from postulates and to gain - sight into workings of complicated processes, and at the applied level, to measure variables, to estimate parameters and to organise the elaborate calculations involved in reaching...
That macroeconomic theory and macroeconometrics are, in the near future and more than ever, indispensable tools in the study of economics is no longer...
That macroeconomic theory and macroeconometrics are, in the near future and more than ever, indispensable tools in the study of economics is no longer a very cont- versial statement. It is now generally agreed that economic theory, combined with historical, statistical and mathematical methods are necessary at the theoretical level, to formulate problems precisely, to draw conclusions from postulates and to gain - sight into workings of complicated processes, and at the applied level, to measure variables, to estimate parameters and to organise the elaborate calculations involved in reaching...
That macroeconomic theory and macroeconometrics are, in the near future and more than ever, indispensable tools in the study of economics is no longer...
Nombreuses sont les questions au sujet de la cliometrie. S agit-il d une discipline qui marierait harmonieusement theorie et analyse empirique ? S agit-il d abord d une branche de l histoire ou de la science economique ? Quel role la cliometrie peut-elle et doit-elle jouer dans la formation des jeunes etudiants et doctorants engages dans des recherches universitaires de sciences humaines et sociales ? Ce livre vise a apporter quelques elements de reponse. Il fait appel aux approches cliometriques, a l utilisation conjointe du discours historique, de la theorie economique, des outils...
Nombreuses sont les questions au sujet de la cliometrie. S agit-il d une discipline qui marierait harmonieusement theorie et analyse empirique ? S agi...
This book analyzes the development of economic cycles in the run of history. The focus is on the development of cycle theory, with maximum emphasis upon ideas. Finally, Chapters 3 and 4 illustrate the discourse, by presenting, in the tradition of Burns and Mitchell, original case studies on France, South Africa, and Germany.
This book analyzes the development of economic cycles in the run of history. The focus is on the development of cycle theory, with maximum emphasis up...
This book presents a comprehensive study of adoption and diffusion of technology in developing countries in a historical perspective. Combining the development of growth trajectories of the Indian economy in general and its manufacturing industry in particular, the book highlights the effective marriage between qualitative and quantitative methods for a better understanding and explaining of many hidden dynamic behaviors of adoption and diffusion trend in manufacturing industry. The use of various econometric methods is aimed to equip readers to make a judgement of the current state of...
This book presents a comprehensive study of adoption and diffusion of technology in developing countries in a historical perspective. Combining the...
This book studies the process of demographic transition which has played a key role in the economic development of Western countries. The special focus is on France, which constitutes the first clear case of fertility decline in Europe. The book analyzes the reasons behind this phenomenon by examining the evolution of demographic variables in France over the past two hundred years. To better understand the reasons of the changing patterns of demographic behavior, the authors investigate the development of the female labor force, study educational investments, and explore the evolution of...
This book studies the process of demographic transition which has played a key role in the economic development of Western countries. The special focu...