L. C. R. J. Willenborg Leon Willenborg Ton De Waal
The aim of this book is to discuss various aspects associated with disseminating personal or business data collected in censuses or surveys or copied from administrative sources. The problem is to present the data in such a form that they are useful for statistical research and to provide sufficient protection for the individuals or businesses to whom the data refer. The major part of this book is concerned with how to define the disclosure problem and how to deal with it in practical circumstances.
The aim of this book is to discuss various aspects associated with disseminating personal or business data collected in censuses or surveys or copied ...
Statistical disclosure control is the discipline that deals with producing statistical data that are safe enough to be released to external researchers. This book concentrates on the methodology of the area. It deals with both microdata (individual data) and tabular (aggregated) data. The book attempts to develop the theory from what can be called the paradigm of statistical confidentiality: to modify unsafe data in such a way that safe (enough) data emerge, with minimum information loss. This book discusses what safe data, are, how information loss can be measured, and how to modify the data...
Statistical disclosure control is the discipline that deals with producing statistical data that are safe enough to be released to external researcher...