"Gray Alien Meditation" is a silly and poignant comic book by Michael Lyons. This richly illustrated story follows a conversation between the cartoonist and a gray alien named, Steven. Together they discuss the nature of depression and how to overcome it through meditation practice.
"Gray Alien Meditation" is a silly and poignant comic book by Michael Lyons. This richly illustrated story follows a conversation between the cartooni...
"Boozhoo, Ajidamoo" (Hello, Squirrell) is an Ojibwe language picture book written and illustrated by Ojibwe cartoonist, Michael Lyons. Lyons is the author and illustrator of a number of children's books, comic books, and illustrated short stories available on Amazon.com.
"Boozhoo, Ajidamoo" (Hello, Squirrell) is an Ojibwe language picture book written and illustrated by Ojibwe cartoonist, Michael Lyons. Lyons is the au...