Autoři: Tom Dixon, Maria Helena Estrada, Pierre Keller, Didier Krzentowski, Sang-kyu Kim, Julie Lasky, Guta Moura Guedes, Brian Parkes, Francesca Picchi, Chieko Yoshiie
Souhrnný přehled 100 nejzajímavějších a nejoriginálnějších produktových designérů světa, kteří byli vybráni deseti mezinárodně uznávanými odborníky na design. Tato kniha přináší pokroky a počiny realizované od publikování předešlé úspěšné publikace Spoon (Lžíce). Práce každého designéra je prezentována množstvím barevných obrázků a je doprovázena komentářem odborníka,...
Autoři: Tom Dixon, Maria Helena Estrada, Pierre Keller, Didier Krzentowski, Sang-kyu Kim, Julie Lasky, Guta Moura Guedes, Brian Parkes, Francesca Pic...
This book examines the relationship between communication and organizational structure. It demonstrates that organizational structure must align itself with communication structure for effective performance. A detailed table of the communication process is used to examine a range of organization structures including scientific management, bureaucracy, functional integration, management by objectives, strategic alignment, quality management, and self-managing teams. The examination concludes that the structure required for the 21st century will put into effect Follett's principle of...
This book examines the relationship between communication and organizational structure. It demonstrates that organizational structure must align it...
During a period of tumultuous change in English political, religious and cultural life, music signified the unspeakable presence of the divine in the world for many. What was the role of music in the early modern subject's sensory experience of divinity? While the English intellectuals Peter Sterry (1613-72), Richard Roach (1662-1730), William Stukeley (1687-1765) and David Hartley (1705-57), have not been remembered for their 'musicking', this book explores how the musical reflections of these individuals expressed alternative and often uncustomary conceptions of God, the world, and the...
During a period of tumultuous change in English political, religious and cultural life, music signified the unspeakable presence of the divine in the ...