Winner of the silver Benjamin Franklin award for Best Teen Fiction and part of the critically acclaimed transmedia project Poet Anderson: The Dream Walker, comes what is hailed as a "teen Blade Runner, this book has nonstop action with dramatic, heart-pounding escapes" by the School Library Journal. Poet Anderson...Of Nightmares is a thrilling, edge of your seat story written by award-winning musician, producer and director Tom DeLonge and New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Young. Poet Anderson...Of Nightmares follows the epic journey of two orphan...
Winner of the silver Benjamin Franklin award for Best Teen Fiction and part of the critically acclaimed transmedia project Poet Anderson: The Dream...
"Blurring the line of science fiction and fact, Sekret Machines is an explosive thriller that will make you question everything you've been told about what's really out there." -Larry KingA 2016 Foreword INDIES Book Award finalist, Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows is written by Open Mind's 2017 UFO Researcher of the Year and acclaimed producer Tom DeLonge with NYTimes bestselling academic AJ Hartley in a powerful collaboration with top government officials that keep the truth on course while revealing fascinating secrets surrounding the true, well-documented events of...
"Blurring the line of science fiction and fact, Sekret Machines is an explosive thriller that will make you question everything you've been told ab...
Winner of the silver Benjamin Franklin award for Best Teen Fiction and part of the critically acclaimed transmedia project Poet Anderson: The Dream Walker--a thrilling story written by award-winning musician DeLonge (Blink-182) and New York Times-bestselling author Young. This edition contains bonus content. 5 1/2 x 8 5/16.
Winner of the silver Benjamin Franklin award for Best Teen Fiction and part of the critically acclaimed transmedia project Poet Anderson: The Dream Wa...