Developing a creative alliance with the 'person' beyond the 'patient' is a core tenet of effective palliative care. The need for a better understanding of how to develop active partnerships between service users and professionals has never been greater. This book examines progress thus far and attemts to delineate future challenges by bringing together a leading group of physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains and psychologists who stress the importance of patient participation in palliative care. Recent developments are covered as well as bereavement issues and cultural differences....
Developing a creative alliance with the 'person' beyond the 'patient' is a core tenet of effective palliative care. The need for a better understandin...
Recent years have seen increasing interest in the needs of children facing bereavement, and a corresponding increase in services to support them. This book addresses and explains the theoretical concepts and practical implications behind the idea of brief work with bereaved children and families. Flexible and accessible short term services delivered at the right time underpin the strengths of bereaved children, supporting their recovery rather than pathologizing the grief process. In this way, the book also speaks to the current interest in the concept of resilience and working with families'...
Recent years have seen increasing interest in the needs of children facing bereavement, and a corresponding increase in services to support them. This...
In "Plateau Indian""Ways with Words," Barbara Monroe makes visible the arts of persuasion of the Plateau Indians, whose ancestral grounds stretch from the Cascades to the Rockies, revealing a chain of cultural identification that predates the colonial period and continues to this day. Culling from hundreds of student writings from grades 7-12 in two reservation schools, Monroe finds that students employ the same persuasive techniques as their forebears, as evidenced in dozens of post-conquest speech transcriptions and historical writings. These persuasive strategies have survived not just...
In "Plateau Indian""Ways with Words," Barbara Monroe makes visible the arts of persuasion of the Plateau Indians, whose ancestral grounds stretch from...