There are all sorts of lending companies out there, some legitimate, some not. The ones that are not legitimate are likely to be run by people who sound like they are being sincere to effectively work their scam. A book on this subject can help you identify tactics used by shark and predatory lenders. It can also help you prepare questions to see if you're dealing with an illegitimate lender.
There are all sorts of lending companies out there, some legitimate, some not. The ones that are not legitimate are likely to be run by people who sou...
Anthony Davis was not only the most electric college football superstar of all time but he was also my teenage idol. His exploits at USC captured my imagination. This book reinforces everything I know about Anthony Davis - he is a man of passion with a story to tell that will inspire those who follow his path. The Notre Dame Killer has never been more candid or more relevant. -Steve Hartman Change is coming. Anthony Davis is an unsung leader in what has at last become a popular movement. -Dr. Daniel Amen. M.D
Anthony Davis was not only the most electric college football superstar of all time but he was also my teenage idol. His exploits at USC captured my i...
Based on true facts and characters, Woolf Barnato inherited a fortune when his father, Barney Barnato, the diamond millionaire, died mysteriously in 1897 when Woolf was two years old. Woolf left university to serve in the Royal Field Artillery in France, Belgium and Egypt during the First World War, rising to the rank of Captain. Obsessed with racing fast cars, he saved Bentley Motor Cars from bankruptcy in 1926 taking over the company. Woolf became well-known as one of the Bentley Boys, a cadre of young wealthy men who raced Bentley cars. He won the Le Mans 24 Hour Endurance Race, three...
Based on true facts and characters, Woolf Barnato inherited a fortune when his father, Barney Barnato, the diamond millionaire, died mysteriously in 1...