Sally L. Kitch explores the crisis in contemporary Afghan women s lives by focusing on two remarkable Afghan professional women working on behalf of their Afghan sisters. Kitch's compelling narrative follows the stories of Judge Marzia Basel and Jamila Afghani from 2005 through 2013, providing an oft-ignored perspective on the personal and professional lives of Afghanistan's women. Contending with the complex dynamics of a society both undergoing and resisting change, Basel and Afghani speak candidly--and critically--of matters like international intervention and patriarchal Afghan culture,...
Sally L. Kitch explores the crisis in contemporary Afghan women s lives by focusing on two remarkable Afghan professional women working on behalf of t...
Sally L. Kitch explores the crisis in contemporary Afghan women s lives by focusing on two remarkable Afghan professional women working on behalf of their Afghan sisters. Kitch's compelling narrative follows the stories of Judge Marzia Basel and Jamila Afghani from 2005 through 2013, providing an oft-ignored perspective on the personal and professional lives of Afghanistan's women. Contending with the complex dynamics of a society both undergoing and resisting change, Basel and Afghani speak candidly--and critically--of matters like international intervention and patriarchal Afghan culture,...
Sally L. Kitch explores the crisis in contemporary Afghan women s lives by focusing on two remarkable Afghan professional women working on behalf of t...