The area of analog integrated circuits is facing some serious challenges due to the ongoing trends towards low supply voltages, low power consumption and high-frequency operation. The situation is becoming even more complicated by the fact that many transfer functions have to be tunable or controllable. A promising approach to facing these challenges is given by the class of dynamic translinear circuits, which are, as a consequence, receiving increasing interest. Several different names are used in literature: log-domain, exponential state-space, current-mode companding,...
The area of analog integrated circuits is facing some serious challenges due to the ongoing trends towards low supply voltages, low power consumption ...
The area of analog integrated circuits is facing some serious challenges due to the ongoing trends towards low supply voltages, low power consumption and high-frequency operation. The situation is becoming even more complicated by the fact that many transfer functions have to be tunable or controllable. A promising approach to facing these challenges is given by the class of dynamic translinear circuits, which are, as a consequence, receiving increasing interest. Several different names are used in literature: log-domain, exponential state-space, current-mode companding,...
The area of analog integrated circuits is facing some serious challenges due to the ongoing trends towards low supply voltages, low power consumption ...
Log-domain and translinear filters provide a competitive alternative to the challenges of ever increasing low-voltage, low-power and high frequency demands in the area of continuous-time filters. Since translinear filters are fundamentally large-signal linear, they are capable of realizing a large dynamic range in combination with excellent tunability characteristics. Large-signal linearity is achieved by exploiting the accurate exponential behavior of the bipolar transistor or the subthreshold MOS transistor. A generalization of the dynamic translinear principle exploiting the square law...
Log-domain and translinear filters provide a competitive alternative to the challenges of ever increasing low-voltage, low-power and high frequency de...
Log-domain and translinear filters provide a competitive alternative to the challenges of ever increasing low-voltage, low-power and high frequency demands in the area of continuous-time filters. Since translinear filters are fundamentally large-signal linear, they are capable of realizing a large dynamic range in combination with excellent tunability characteristics. Large-signal linearity is achieved by exploiting the accurate exponential behavior of the bipolar transistor or the subthreshold MOS transistor. A generalization of the dynamic translinear principle exploiting the square law...
Log-domain and translinear filters provide a competitive alternative to the challenges of ever increasing low-voltage, low-power and high frequency de...