When in the late 1990's I wrote the screenplay, Zappp , it was a catharsis exercise in creation. The story is a light comedy concerning the comeuppance of an unscrupulous, thievish movie mogul and an unethical, amoral motion picture studio. I had just been the victim of this kind of larceny myself - not once, but twice - and began to feel sorry for myself, so I availed myself of the wisdom of Aristotle, who advocated the easing of destructive emotions by bringing them to consciousness and affording them expression. Being a writer, the result was Zappp
When in the late 1990's I wrote the screenplay, Zappp , it was a catharsis exercise in creation. The story is a light comedy concerning the comeuppanc...
Fire For Effect is a WWII story, but not of the ordinary kind. Based on a true incident, it involves a little known, but vitally important branch of Military Intelligence - the IPWs - Interrogators of Prisoners of War. It is the story of a battle of wits between two officers, good men both, with strong convictions, integrity and a firm sense of duty - but on opposite sides. And it concerns a potentially catastrophic event about to happen.
Fire For Effect is a WWII story, but not of the ordinary kind. Based on a true incident, it involves a little known, but vitally important branch of M...
A test pilot, veteran of Desert Storm, crashes while testing a top secret military device. His injuries rob him of his memory, reducing him to the level of an animal - but an animal with the intelligence and reasoning power of a man, and the fear and desperation of a hunted beast. He leads the men who would save him on a fantastic chase through the desolate and hostile country of Death Valley, pitting animal instinct against sophisticated technology.
A test pilot, veteran of Desert Storm, crashes while testing a top secret military device. His injuries rob him of his memory, reducing him to the lev...
Every one of us is the host to an almost unimaginable array of independent microscopic organisms - such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi - with which we share a symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationship. They have evolved along with the human species, and their survival is the key to ours. There are ten times as many of these microbial cells as human cells in the body. What if these micro-organisms were sentient?
Every one of us is the host to an almost unimaginable array of independent microscopic organisms - such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi - with which w...
Perhaps you've encountered that strange, unsettled feeling of familiarity - haven't you been here before? Hasn't this experience already happened in exactly the same way? What if that wasn't you. What if that was your duplicate, the result of an atomic experiment that has taken an unexpected turn, creating a process that can replicate and manipulate living matter - with untold potential, but terrifying consequences.
Perhaps you've encountered that strange, unsettled feeling of familiarity - haven't you been here before? Hasn't this experience already happened in e...
This was Ib's final screenplay. "When in 1987 I was contacted by a young German citizen who wanted me to write a book about his exploits while looking into Germany's Nazi past, to learn the truth, I declined. I have my own stories to tell, but I did consent to talk with him. And-after listening to him for a while-I said, "When do we start?" His investigations, taped interviews, narrow escapes and photographs were startling-but, were they true? Were they factual? Before I became involved I had to know. I contacted two men Frank had mentioned as being helpful to him. One was Eugene K. Bird,...
This was Ib's final screenplay. "When in 1987 I was contacted by a young German citizen who wanted me to write a book about his exploits while looking...