The range of courses requiring a good basic understanding of chemical kinetics is extensive, ranging from chemical engineers and pharmacists to biochemists and providing the fundamentals in chemistry. Due to the wide reaching nature of the subject readers often struggle to find a book which provides in-depth, comprehensive information without focusing on one specific subject too heavily. Here Dr Margaret Wright provides an essential introduction to the subject guiding the reader through the basics but then going on to provide a reference which professionals will continue to dip in to...
The range of courses requiring a good basic understanding of chemical kinetics is extensive, ranging from chemical engineers and pharmacists to bioche...
An Introduction to Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions is a comprehensive coverage of solution equilibria and properties of aqueous ionic solutions. Acid/base equilibria, ion pairing, complex formation, solubilities, reversible emf's and experimental conductance studies are all illustrated by many worked examples. Theories of non-ideality leading to expressions for activity coefficients, conductance theories and investigations of solvation are described; great care being taken to provide detailed verbal clarification of the key concepts of these theories. The theoretical development focuses...
An Introduction to Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions is a comprehensive coverage of solution equilibria and properties of aqueous ionic solutions. ...