This text describes how the language used in social interaction evolves from the time the speakers first meet and becomes the in-group code of a given discourse community (in this case the academic community). Most studies reported in the literature of the language of groups and intimates until now have been global, imprecise or unsystematic, and have described the language as a product at a given time; no systematic study appears to have been carried out to follow through the interactions of individuals as they form a group, to discover precisely how and why language changes over time as...
This text describes how the language used in social interaction evolves from the time the speakers first meet and becomes the in-group code of a given...
Language in Context for TESOL explores the many uses of English around the world, focusing on the way that meaning can be context-dependent and often implied. Covering basic approaches to linguistic analysis such as Conversation Analysis and Exchange Structure, Speech Act Theory, The Cooperative Principle and Politeness Theories, and using authentic language as it occurs in everyday life, this volume guides the reader towards an understanding of ELT methodology, curriculum, courses and materials in terms of Global Englishes, and how these findings can be applied to English Language Teaching....
Language in Context for TESOL explores the many uses of English around the world, focusing on the way that meaning can be context-dependent and often ...