Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich in Hinblick auf die Europaische Wahrungsunion mit dem Zusammenhang von Wechselkursschwankungen, Aussenhandel und der Arbeitsmarkt-Performance. Es wird erstmalig systematisch untersucht, welche Auswirkungen die Wechselkursvariabilitat im europaischen Wahrungssystem auf die Hohe der Beschaftigung und Arbeitslosigkeit in Eu-Landern hatte und wie sich die Schaffung der Wahrungsunion auf diesen "Kanal" auswirkt. Die Studie verbindet durchgehend Theorie, Empirie und wirtschaftspolitische Schlussfolgerungen. Besonderer Wert wird der mikrookonomischen Fundierung...
Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich in Hinblick auf die Europaische Wahrungsunion mit dem Zusammenhang von Wechselkursschwankungen, Aussenhandel und d...
An old song has it that money makes the world go round. Indeed, money, the universallyacceptedmeansofexchange, playsapivotalrolein turningthe wheelsof an increasinglyglobalizedworldeconomy, characterisedby increasingcross-border trade in goods and services and nancial transactions. Given the undeniable imp- tance of money for domestic and international economic dispositions, we therefore do not heed the old saying The best advice aboutmoney is not to talk aboutit in this book. On the contrary, we will talk about money quite extensively. At the time of writing, the global monetary architecture...
An old song has it that money makes the world go round. Indeed, money, the universallyacceptedmeansofexchange, playsapivotalrolein turningthe wheelsof...
This book integrates the fundamentals of monetary theory, monetary policy theory and financial market theory, providing an accessible introduction to the workings and interactions of globalised financial markets. Includes examples and extensive data analyses.
This book integrates the fundamentals of monetary theory, monetary policy theory and financial market theory, providing an accessible introduction ...
The Great Financial Crisis, which started in 2007-08, was originally called the 'sub-prime' crisis because its origins could be traced to excessive lending in the real estate sector in the US, concentrated mostly in sunbelt states like Nevada, Florida and California. There were similar pockets of excess lending for housing in Europe, notably in Ireland and Spain. But a key difference emerged later: in Ireland and Spain, the local banking systems almost collapsed and the governments experienced severe financial stress with large macroeconomic costs. Nothing similar happened in the US. The...
The Great Financial Crisis, which started in 2007-08, was originally called the 'sub-prime' crisis because its origins could be traced to excessive le...
The Great Financial Crisis, which started in 2007-08, was originally called the 'sub-prime' crisis because its origins could be traced to excessive lending in the real estate sector in the US, concentrated mostly in sunbelt states like Nevada, Florida and California. There were similar pockets of excess lending for housing in Europe, notably in Ireland and Spain. But a key difference emerged later: in Ireland and Spain, the local banking systems almost collapsed and the governments experienced severe financial stress with large macroeconomic costs. Nothing similar happened in the US. The...
The Great Financial Crisis, which started in 2007-08, was originally called the 'sub-prime' crisis because its origins could be traced to excessive le...