Princess Loralyn lives in the large stone Palace with her father, King Bevan, her mother, Queen Avia, and her younger brother, Galen, who will some day be the king.
Princess Loralyn lives in the large stone Palace with her father, King Bevan, her mother, Queen Avia, and her younger brother, Galen, who will some da...
"The Haunted Pavilion" is a collection of nine Patricia McCune Irvine short stories for girls, ranging from ghosts in the pavilion, a rescue at Breakwater Beach, the night the town clock struck thirteen, to the mystery of the pinata, an unusual flight of Santa Claus at Christmastime, and others.
"The Haunted Pavilion" is a collection of nine Patricia McCune Irvine short stories for girls, ranging from ghosts in the pavilion, a rescue at Breakw...
Gretchen Mueller's eventful life story goes back to Chicago in the late Thirties. Papa (Gerhard) tells of his boyhood in eastern Germany, and his admiration for Adolf Hitler. Wartime US authorities cannot tolerate Papa's allegiance to Germany and Gretchen's happy life becomes a series of painful changes and adjustments - she is a German in America and an American in Germany.
Gretchen Mueller's eventful life story goes back to Chicago in the late Thirties. Papa (Gerhard) tells of his boyhood in eastern Germany, and his admi...