Privatising firms and liberalizing their market environment generates in Eastern Europe a variety of problems, many of which are not common to the analogous attempts in industries countries. A first difference between the two experiences resides in establishing the value of the firm or of the assets that are being privatized. A second main difference concerns the lack of the record of market performance for the firm. The book explores these open questions through an overview of on-going and proposed processes in Section 1. In Section 2 theoretical foundations of privatization processes are...
Privatising firms and liberalizing their market environment generates in Eastern Europe a variety of problems, many of which are not common to the ana...
In the post-war period, spending on social security, health and education has grown continuously in the leading industrialized countries. The considerable size of this spending as a percentage of GDP together with the ageing population raise doubts on the sustainability of welfare spending. These doubts have been accompanied in recent years by an increasing awareness of the allocational inefficiencies and the distributive inequalities caused by the provision of some social services. The welfare state should therefore be reconstructed not only through readjustment of the social security system...
In the post-war period, spending on social security, health and education has grown continuously in the leading industrialized countries. The consider...
At the beginning of the 1990's unemployment grew in all industrialized countries: the essays in this collection focus on the causes and cures of this worrying phenomenon. The volume starts by analysing the disparities in the different national experiences and then focusing on European unemployment. This is followed by more theoretical discussions using econometric models. The volume ends with policy recommendations.
At the beginning of the 1990's unemployment grew in all industrialized countries: the essays in this collection focus on the causes and cures of this ...
In this book, leading experts take a long-term view of the trends and policies of most relevance in achieving the structural readjustment required by the current crisis, which for too long has been viewed merely as an economic recession.
In this book, leading experts take a long-term view of the trends and policies of most relevance in achieving the structural readjustment required by ...
Readers will find this book a fascinating source of information on current thinking regarding topics such as European industrial policy, European governance, unemployment, the euro and competitiveness, trade and financial integration, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, anticorruption policies, and energy and climate policies.
Readers will find this book a fascinating source of information on current thinking regarding topics such as European industrial policy, European gove...
This book explores the diverse challenges facing the EU and in particular examines the impediments to financial stability and sustainable growth and how these can be overcome. Among the topics explored are the extent to which monetary union has favored real convergence, competitive imbalances in the eurozone, and the impacts of austerity measures. Potential solutions are closely scrutinized, highlighting the need for linked fiscal, monetary, credit, and investment choices. Opportunities for public and private investment in infrastructure, human capital, the environment, and innovation are...
This book explores the diverse challenges facing the EU and in particular examines the impediments to financial stability and sustainable growth and h...