Premiering in September of 2006, the weekly NBC television series Heroes was an immediate commercial and critical hit, lasting four successful seasons. Heroes follows a group of interrelated characters who discover they have superhuman powers, with each successive episode exploring how these people react to and utilize their powers for good or for evil. This collection of essays explores a variety of issues surrounding Heroes, examining the series' content, marketing and reception. Also investigated is the show's fusion of "cult" and mainstream elements of television, analyzing its ability to...
Premiering in September of 2006, the weekly NBC television series Heroes was an immediate commercial and critical hit, lasting four successful seasons...
The collection brings together experts in the field of twentieth-century writing to provide a volume that is both comprehensive and innovative in its discussion of a set of newly canonical texts. The book includes new applications of philosophical and critical thinking to established texts.
The collection brings together experts in the field of twentieth-century writing to provide a volume that is both comprehensive and innovative in its ...
Tom Perkins has a life. One that's safe, straight forward and predictable - until he decides to attend a school reunion in a London pub. Soon Tom's pleasant but dull bachelor universe is turned upside down as he becomes embroiled in a world of intrigue, globetrotting and exploding chickens. Drawn to the vivacious yet unfathomable Jo Richards, and forced to rub shoulders with arms-dealing diamond traders, murderous double agents and the higher echelons of the Civil Service, Tom is out of his depth. In fact, the only thing that stands between him and certain death is a crazed aunt who keeps an...
Tom Perkins has a life. One that's safe, straight forward and predictable - until he decides to attend a school reunion in a London pub. Soon Tom's pl...
The Anti-Hero in the American Novel rereads major texts of the 1960s to offer an innovative re-evaluation of a set of canonical novels that moves beyond entrenched post-modern and post-structural interpretations towards an appraisal which emphasizes the specifically humanist and idealist elements of these works.
The Anti-Hero in the American Novel rereads major texts of the 1960s to offer an innovative re-evaluation of a set of canonical novels that moves beyo...
Integrating care across disciplines and organisations around the needs of the person with diabetes has been proposed as an approach that could improve care while reducing cost- but has it and can it? Integrated Diabetes Care- A Multidisciplinary Approach collates evidence of worldwide approaches to both horizontal integration (across disciplines) and vertical integration (across organizations) in diabetes care and describe what was done, what worked and what appeared to be the barriers to achieving the goals of the programmes. Evidence is sought from groups who have developed different...
Integrating care across disciplines and organisations around the needs of the person with diabetes has been proposed as an approach that could improve...
The last ten years have witnessed a renewed interest in H.P. Lovecraft in academic and scholarly circles. New Critical Essays on H.P. Lovecraft seeks to offer an expansive and considered account of a fascinating yet challenging writer; both popular and critically valid but also problematic in terms of his depictions of race, gender and class.
The last ten years have witnessed a renewed interest in H.P. Lovecraft in academic and scholarly circles. New Critical Essays on H.P. Lovecraft seeks ...