''An atteJDpt has been made to cOll1PlJte the numbers of certain JI10lecules in interstellar space, . . . . A search for the bands of CH, O/{, DR, en and C2 would appear to be proIDising" P Swings and L Rosenfeld Astrophysical Journal 86,483(1937) This may have been the first attempt at modelling interstellar chemistry. As with models today, the methods used lacked reliability, but the speculation was impressive Mark Twain might well have said of this infant subject "One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact." The detection of unidentified lines...
''An atteJDpt has been made to cOll1PlJte the numbers of certain JI10lecules in interstellar space, . . . . A search for the bands of CH, O/{, DR, en ...