Since the 1970s, the U.S. economy has experienced relatively sharp swings in stock prices, interest rates, and exchange rates, which has increased the exposure of many debt, equity, and currency positions to market risk. Faced with this risk, many institutional investors have increased their use of futures, option contracts, and other derivative securities. Introduction to Derivatives: Options, Futures, and Swaps provides a thorough explanation of derivatives from the basic concepts, strategies, and fundamentals to a more detailed understanding of the advanced strategies and...
Since the 1970s, the U.S. economy has experienced relatively sharp swings in stock prices, interest rates, and exchange rates, which has increased the...
Understand today's investment challenges and the role of the Bloomberg system
In recent years, changes have swept through the investment industry like wildfire. Academia has followed along and provided new lenses for viewing this transformation, as well as new strategies for gaining a true understanding and knowledge of investment and financial markets. Now, Equity Markets and Portfolio Analysis has been created to further inform investment professionals and finance students on the basic concepts and strategies of investments, and to provide more detailed discussions on...
Understand today's investment challenges and the role of the Bloomberg system
In recent years, changes have swept through the investment ind...
A practical, informative guide to derivatives in the real world
Derivatives is an exposition on investments, guiding you from the basic concepts, strategies, and fundamentals to a more detailed understanding of the advanced strategies and models. As part of Bloomberg Financial's three part series on securities, Derivatives focuses on derivative securities and the functionality of the Bloomberg system with regards to derivatives. You'll develop a tighter grasp of the more subtle complexities involved in the evaluation, selection, and management of derivatives, and gain...
A practical, informative guide to derivatives in the real world
Derivatives is an exposition on investments, guiding you from the bas...