This new fourth edition of the standard text on atomic-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) retains previous material on the fundamentals of electron optics and aberration correction, linear imaging theory (including wave aberrations to fifth order) with partial coherence, and multiple-scattering theory. Also preserved are updated earlier sections on practical methods, with detailed step-by-step accounts of the procedures needed to obtain the highest quality images of atoms and molecules using a modern TEM or STEM electron microscope. Applications sections have been updated -...
This new fourth edition of the standard text on atomic-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) retains previous material on the fundamentals...
This volume expands and updates the coverage in the authors' popular 1992 book, Electron Microdiffraction. As the title implies, the focus of the book has changed from electron microdiffraction and convergent beam electron diffraction to all forms of advanced transmission electron microscopy. Special attention is given to electron diffraction and imaging, including high-resolution TEM and STEM imaging, and the application of these methods to crystals, their defects, and nanostructures. The authoritative text summarizes and develops most of the useful knowledge which has been gained...
This volume expands and updates the coverage in the authors' popular 1992 book, Electron Microdiffraction. As the title implies, the focus of t...
Much of this book was written during a sabbatical visit by J. C. H. S. to the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart during 1991. We are therefore grateful to Professors M. Ruhle and A. Seeger for acting as hosts during this time, and to the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation for the Senior Scientist Award which made this visit possible. The Ph. D. work of one of us (J. M. Z. ) has also provided much of the background for the book, together with our recent papers with various collaborators. Of these, perhaps the most important stimulus to our work on convergent-beam electron diffraction resulted...
Much of this book was written during a sabbatical visit by J. C. H. S. to the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart during 1991. We are therefore grateful...
This book provides an introduction to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions. It places equal weight on the theoretical foundations and experimental tests of the theory. Although the experimental chapters focus on recent measurements, the subject is placed into historical perspective by also summarizing the steps which lead to the formulation of QCD. Measurements are discussed as they were performed by the LEP experiments at CERN, or at hadron-hadron and lepton colliders such as the TEVATRON at Fermilab and HERA at investigations of the non-abelian structure of the...
This book provides an introduction to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions. It places equal weight on the theoretical found...
The examination of structure at the microscopic scale, between micrometers and angstrom units, has changed dramatically in recent decades. Many new types of microscopy have emerged, notably the many scanning-probe designs, some of which also allow manipulation of atoms to form wanted structures, while others now permit direct observation of moving proteins in liquids. The traditional electron microscope is being revolutionized by the arrival of aberration correctors and monochromators, which bring the resolution below the Angstrom and electron-volt level. The "laboratory in a microscope"...
The examination of structure at the microscopic scale, between micrometers and angstrom units, has changed dramatically in recent decades. Many new...
The examination of structure at the microscopic scale, between micrometers and angstrom units, has changed dramatically in recent decades. Many new types of microscopy have emerged, notably the many scanning-probe designs, some of which also allow manipulation of atoms to form wanted structures, while others now permit direct observation of moving proteins in liquids. The traditional electron microscope is being revolutionized by the arrival of aberration correctors and monochromators, which bring the resolution below the Angstrom and electron-volt level. The "laboratory in a microscope"...
The examination of structure at the microscopic scale, between micrometers and angstrom units, has changed dramatically in recent decades. Many new...