Hellenistic art in Asia Minor is characterized by diverse cultural influences, both indigenous and Greek. This work presents a comprehensive catalogue of the Hellenistic pottery found at Sardis by two archaeological expeditions. The main catalogue includes over 750 items from the current excavations; in addition, material from some 50 Hellenistic tombs excavated in the early twentieth century is published in its entirety for the first time. The early Hellenistic material consists of imports from Greek cities and close local imitations, along with purely Lydian wares typical of the late Lydian...
Hellenistic art in Asia Minor is characterized by diverse cultural influences, both indigenous and Greek. This work presents a comprehensive catalogue...
Andrew Oliver John Quincy Adams Andrew, Jr. Oliver
The publication of "Portraits of John Quincy Adams and His Wife" makes available a record which both affords unique visual documentation of the most varied political career in American history and exemplifies the work of the principal American portraitists from the days of Copley and Stuart to the dawn of the Daguerrean era. Included in the volume's 159 illustrations are all the known life portraits, busts, and silhouettes of John Quincy and Louisa Catherine Adams, along with important replicas, copies, engravings, and representative likenesses of their siblings.
The book is organized...
The publication of "Portraits of John Quincy Adams and His Wife" makes available a record which both affords unique visual documentation of the mos...