Gender studiesof Spain has thus far focused almost exclusively on women, leaving the social and political history of male homosexuality virtually untouched. "'Los Invisibles'" fillsthis significant gap in the study of Spanish culture by analyzing the effects of medical and legal regulation on male homosexuals. Drawing from the discourse of medical history, Richard Cleminson and Francisco Vazquez Garcia evaluate the impact of psychiatry, education, race, and the growth ofgay subcultures on cultural representations of homosexuality in this pioneering study.A PDF version of this book is...
Gender studiesof Spain has thus far focused almost exclusively on women, leaving the social and political history of male homosexuality virtually unto...
How did Spanish doctors conceptualize persons believed to be a mix of the male and female genders during the period of 1850 1960? Such persons disrupted gendered and sexual givens, and from a legal and medical standpoint, required examination and determination according to their true sex in order to permit marriage, inheritance, and a normal social life. This volume charts the changing medical discourse on the hermaphrodite or intersex persons as the interrelationship between the body, biological sex, and gender was constantly reassessed and rewritten, making this the first major study of...
How did Spanish doctors conceptualize persons believed to be a mix of the male and female genders during the period of 1850 1960? Such persons disr...
Anarchism & Sexuality aims to bring the rich and diverse traditions of anarchist thought and practice into contact with contemporary questions about the politics and lived experience of sexuality. Both in style and in content, it is conceived as a book that aims to question, subvert and overflow authoritarian divisions between the personal and political; between sexual desires categorised as heterosexual or homosexual; between seemingly mutually exclusive activism and scholarship; between forms of expression such as poetry and prose; and between disciplinary categories of knowledge. Anarchism...
Anarchism & Sexuality aims to bring the rich and diverse traditions of anarchist thought and practice into contact with contemporary questions about t...