The main theme of this anthology is the unique interaction between mathematics, physics and philosophy during the beginning of the 20th century. In this book, ten renowned philosopher-historians probe insightfully into key conceptual questions of pre-quantum mathematical physics. The result is a diverse yet thematically focused compilation of first class papers on mathematics, physics and philosophy, and a source-book on the interaction between them.
The main theme of this anthology is the unique interaction between mathematics, physics and philosophy during the beginning of the 20th century. In...
Et demokrati er ikke karakteriseret derved, at borgere hver isaer har en stemme, men, at hver har en oplyst stemme, jfr. oplysningstanken. Og det er noget ganske andet. Et oplyst og robust demokrati kraever information. Nu begynder logikken at kunne bide pa problemet, for demokratistudier kan sa pludselig forstas i lyset af informationsprocessering. Det giver arbejde til den formelle filosofi. Derfor har store dele af klummerne, kronikerne og andre kommunike et indhold, der viser hvordan man kan oplyse med information, men ligeledes hvordan man desvaerre kan manipulere med mennesker, meninger...
Et demokrati er ikke karakteriseret derved, at borgere hver isaer har en stemme, men, at hver har en oplyst stemme, jfr. oplysningstanken. Og det er n...
This volume presents 38 classic texts in formal epistemology, and strengthens the ties between research into this area of philosophy and its neighbouring intellectual disciplines. The editors provide introductions to five subsections: Bayesian Epistemology, Belief Change, Decision Theory, Interactive Epistemology and Epistemic Logic.
'Formal epistemology' is a term coined in the late 1990s for a new constellation of interests in philosophy, the origins of which are found in earlier works of epistemologists, philosophers of science and logicians. It addresses a growing agenda of...
This volume presents 38 classic texts in formal epistemology, and strengthens the ties between research into this area of philosophy and its neighb...
With points of departure in philosophy, logic, social psychology, economics, and choice and game theory, Infostorms shows how information may be used to improve the quality of personal decision and group thinking but also warns against the informational pitfalls which modern information technology may amplify: From science to reality culture and what it really is, that makes you buy a book like this. The information society is upon us. New technologies have given us back pocket libraries, online discussion forums, blogs, crowdbased opinion aggregators, social media and breaking news...
With points of departure in philosophy, logic, social psychology, economics, and choice and game theory, Infostorms shows how information may be us...