On behalf of the program committee, we were pleased to present this year s program for ACSAC: Asia-Paci?c Computer Systems Architecture Conference. Now in its ninth year, ACSAC continues to provide an excellent forum for researchers, educators and practitioners to come to the Asia-Paci?c region to exchange ideas on the latest developments in computer systems architecture. This year, the paper submission and review processes were semiautomated using the free version of CyberChair. We received 152 submissions, the largest number ever.Eachpaperwasassignedatleastthree, mostlyfour,...
On behalf of the program committee, we were pleased to present this year s program for ACSAC: Asia-Paci?c Computer Systems Architecture Conference. No...
Loop tiling, as one of the most important compiler optimizations, is beneficial for both parallel machines and uniprocessors with a memory hierarchy. This book explores the use of loop tiling for reducing communication cost and improving parallelism for distributed memory machines. The author provides mathematical foundations, investigates loop permutability in the framework of nonsingular loop transformations, discusses the necessary machineries required, and presents state-of-the-art results for finding communication- and time-minimal tiling choices. Throughout the book, theorems and...
Loop tiling, as one of the most important compiler optimizations, is beneficial for both parallel machines and uniprocessors with a memory hierarchy. ...