Unlike any other text on international trade, this groundbreaking book focuses on the dynamic long-run relationship between trade and economic growth rather than the static short-run relationship between trade and economic efficiency. The authors begin with well-known theory on international trade, and then take the student into more recent and less well-known work, all with a careful balance between empirical and theoretical perspectives. A valuable teaching tool for courses in international economics, economic growth, and economic development at both the undergraduate and graduate levels,...
Unlike any other text on international trade, this groundbreaking book focuses on the dynamic long-run relationship between trade and economic growth ...
Covers a range of topics and issues normally included in a course on economic growth and development. This book details both mainstream economic perspectives as well as the multi-paradigmatic, inter-disciplinary, and dynamic-evolutionary perspectives from heterodox economics.
Covers a range of topics and issues normally included in a course on economic growth and development. This book details both mainstream economic persp...
The Economics of Immigration is written as a both a reference for researchers and as a textbook on the economics of immigration. It is aimed at two audiences: (1) researchers who are interested in learning more about how economists approach the study of human migration flows; and (2) graduate students taking a course on migration or a labor economics course where immigration is one of the subfields studied. The book covers the economic theory of immigration, which explains why people move across borders and details the consequences of such movements for the source and destination economies....
The Economics of Immigration is written as a both a reference for researchers and as a textbook on the economics of immigration. It is aimed at two au...
International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics provides a complete theoretical, historical, and policy-focused account of the international financial system that covers all of the standard topics, such as foreign exchange markets, balance of payments accounting, macroeconomic policy in an open economy, exchange rate crises, multinational enterprises, and international financial markets. The book uses the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference as a unifying theme to relate the many controversial issue. It is written in a lively manner to bring real world events into the discussion of all of the...
International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics provides a complete theoretical, historical, and policy-focused account of the international fin...
Now in its third edition, Hendrik Van den Berg s International Economics: A Heterodox Approach covers all of the standard topics taught in undergraduate International Economics courses. Written in a friendly and approachable style, this new edition is unique in that it presents the key orthodox neoclassical models of international trade and investment, whilst supplementing them with a variety of heterodox approaches. This pluralist approach is intended to give economics students a more realistic understanding of the international economy than standard textbooks can provide.
Now in its third edition, Hendrik Van den Berg s International Economics: A Heterodox Approach covers all of the standard topics taught in u...
Now in its third edition, Hendrik Van den Berg's International Economics: A Heterodox Approach covers all of the standard topics taught in undergraduate international economics courses. Writtenin a friendly and approachable style, this new edition is unique in that it presents the key orthodoxneoclassical models of international trade and investment, while supplementing them with a variety ofheterodox approaches. This pluralist approach is intended to give economics students a more realisticunderstanding of the international economy than standard...
Now in its third edition, Hendrik Van den Berg's International Economics: A Heterodox Approach covers all of the standard topics taught in u...