Cambridge University Press Robert Martin Robert C. Martin
With More C++ Gems, Robert Martin, Editor-in-Chief of C++ Report, presents the long-awaited follow-up to C++ Gems (1996). Since the publication of the first book, the C++ language has experienced many changes. The ISO has adopted a standard for the language and its library. The Unified Modeling Language has affected software development in C++, and Java has changed things as well. Through all of these developments, C++ Report has been the forum for developers and programmers to share their experience and discuss new directions for the industry. More C++ Gems picks up where the first book left...
With More C++ Gems, Robert Martin, Editor-in-Chief of C++ Report, presents the long-awaited follow-up to C++ Gems (1996). Since the publication of the...
Revolutionary War officer, co-author of the Federalist Papers, our first Treasury Secretary, Thomas Jefferson's nemesis, and victim of a fatal duel with Aaron Burr: Alexander Hamilton has been the focus of debate from his day to ours. On the one hand, Hamilton was the quintessential Founding Father, playing a central role in every key debate and event in the Revolutionary and Early Republic eras. On the other hand, he has received far less popular and scholarly attention than his brethren. Who was he really and what is his legacy?
Scholars have long disagreed. Was Hamilton a closet...
Revolutionary War officer, co-author of the Federalist Papers, our first Treasury Secretary, Thomas Jefferson's nemesis, and victim of a fatal duel...