Whether you are finding your way as a manager or you want to enhance the skills you already have, the Instant Manager series is exactly what you need Written by leading experts, they are inexpensive, concise but above all authoritative guides to the subject at hand. The portable format allows you to carry the book wherever you go and to fit learning and development into your busy work life. Based on the 10 most FAQs, each chapter ends with a quick tip that can be taken on board immediately. A tear out card covering the most salient points allows you to carry the expertise with you wherever...
Whether you are finding your way as a manager or you want to enhance the skills you already have, the Instant Manager series is exactly what you need ...
The ability to read, understand and remember material is crucial to anyone who wants to advance their career. Written by Tina Konstant, a leading expert on speed reading as both a coach and a practitioner, this book quickly teaches you the insider secrets you need to know to in order to quickly deal with large amounts of reading. The highly motivational 'in a week' structure of the book provides seven straightforward chapters explaining the key points, and at the end there are optional questions to ensure you have taken it all in. There are also cartoons and diagrams throughout,...
The ability to read, understand and remember material is crucial to anyone who wants to advance their career. Written by Tina Konstant, a lead...