Often characterized as David facing Goliath on the tennis court, at 5'9- and 150 pounds Michael Chang is used to playing with the big hitters. What he lacks in stature, he makes up for in determination. A serious contender at any Grand Slam event, his bold statement of faith in God makes him a role model we can all look up to. -What's nice, - Michael says, -is that, as long as my priorities are straight, I'm able to go out with the mentality to really leave the winning and losing up to the Lord.- In Holding Serve readers get a unique glimpse at Team Chang, Michael's powerful family unit that...
Often characterized as David facing Goliath on the tennis court, at 5'9- and 150 pounds Michael Chang is used to playing with the big hitters. What he...
The Asian American activist and political communities viewed 1996 as a watershed year, in which the Democratic Party took seriously its Asian American constituency until the 'Asian Donorgate' campaign finance controversy complicated that representation. In the ensuing public discourse Chinese Americans, and by proxy all Asian Americans, were depicted as foreigners subversively attempting to buy influence with U.S. politicians. While neither disputing nor confirming the guilt of the individuals charged in this episode with raising illegal foreign campaign money, Racial Politics in an Era of...
The Asian American activist and political communities viewed 1996 as a watershed year, in which the Democratic Party took seriously its Asian American...
The Asian American activist and political communities viewed 1996 as a watershed year, in which the Democratic Party took seriously its Asian American constituency until the "Asian Donorgate" campaign finance controversy complicated that representation. In the ensuing public discourse Chinese Americans, and by proxy all Asian Americans, were depicted as foreigners subversively attempting to buy influence with U.S. politicians. While neither disputing nor confirming the guilt of the individuals charged in this episode with raising illegal foreign campaign money, Racial Politics in an Era of...
The Asian American activist and political communities viewed 1996 as a watershed year, in which the Democratic Party took seriously its Asian American...