ABZ 2010 was held in the beautiful natural setting of Orford in the Eastern Townships of Qu ebec, during February22 25,2010, midwaythroughthe Ca- dian winter and the 21st Winter Olympics, bringing participants from all over the world to brave this rigorous climate. ABZcoversrecentadvancesinfourequallyrigorousmethodsforsoftwareand hardware development: Abstract State Machines (ASM), Alloy, B and Z. They shareacommonconceptualframework, centeredaroundthe notionsofstateand operation, andpromotemathematicalprecisioninthemodeling, veri?cation, and construction of highly dependable systems. These...
ABZ 2010 was held in the beautiful natural setting of Orford in the Eastern Townships of Qu ebec, during February22 25,2010, midwaythroughthe Ca- dian...
Objectives of this Book This book is an introduction to a set of software specification methods. Its tar geted audience are readers who do not wish to read pages of definitions in order to understand the basics of a method. The same case study is used to introduce each method, following a rigorously uniform presentation format. Special care has been devoted to ensure that specifications do not deviate from the case study text. As much as the method allows, what is specified is what appears in the case study text. The benefits are two-fold. First, the reader can easily switch from one method...
Objectives of this Book This book is an introduction to a set of software specification methods. Its tar geted audience are readers who do not wish to...