On ce you have a good grasp of the java language and feel comfartable with applying the dass libraries using the Standard Edition of the java System Development Kit, you'll almost certainly be looking at where to go next. Progression to the Enterprise Edition of the SDK is likely to be a natural choice for many, simply because so much professional java programming effort is deployed in developing network-based applications. However, getting into developing Web Services and Enterprise Applications generally is more of a giant leap than a small step, simply because of the vast range of...
On ce you have a good grasp of the java language and feel comfartable with applying the dass libraries using the Standard Edition of the java System D...
Sun's new lightweight Java Enterprise Edition (EE) 5 is an extremely powerful platform for developing enterprise-level Java-based applications, primarily for the server. This book shows you how to harness that power, examining how the pieces of the new Java EE 5 platform fit together, including the redesigned annotations-driven EJB 3 spec as well as JavaServer Faces (JSF), integrated into the platform for the first time.
Hands-on tutorials are also included, along with clear explanations and working code examples. You will grow to take the next step--from writing client-side desktop...
Sun's new lightweight Java Enterprise Edition (EE) 5 is an extremely powerful platform for developing enterprise-level Java-based applications, pri...