Some Stories Just Can't Be Stopped . . .What Difference Do It Make? continues the hard-to-believe story of hope and reconciliation that began with the New York Times bestseller, Same Kind of Different as Me. Ron Hall and Denver Moore, unlikely friends and even unlikelier coauthors--a wealthy fine-art dealer and an illiterate homeless African American--share the hard-to-stop story of how a remarkable woman's love brought them together. Now, in What Difference Do It Make? Ron and Denver along with Lynn Vincent...
Some Stories Just Can't Be Stopped . . .What Difference Do It Make? continues the hard-to-believe story of hope and reconciliation ...
Un nino sale de una cirugia, que le salvo la vida, contando asombrosas historias acerca de su visita al cielo. El cielo es real es la verdadera historia del hijo de cuatro anos del pastor de un pequeno pueblo de Nebraska que durante una operacion de emergencia visito el cielo.
El nino sobrevivio y afirma que veia, desde un plano superior, al doctor operando y a su padre orando en la sala de espera. La familia no sabia que creer, aunque pronto la evidencia se hizo mas clara.
Colton decia que conocio a su hermana que murio antes de nacer, de la que nadie le habia...
Un nino sale de una cirugia, que le salvo la vida, contando asombrosas historias acerca de su visita al cielo. El cielo es real es...
General Jerry Boykin is one of the original members of the Delta Force and has spent the majority of his career in Special Forces. His work in this area of the military placed him in many battles--some of them legendary. He was commander of the Delta Force team portrayed in the movie Black Hawk Down. These and other dramatic experiences make Boykin's life story read like the riveting fiction of Tom Clancy. He shares how his foundation of faith--while challenged and even broken--was restored and became the lifeblood that brought him through unimaginable circumstances to a rich and...
General Jerry Boykin is one of the original members of the Delta Force and has spent the majority of his career in Special Forces. His work in this ar...
Es la historia de Denver Moore, un hombre que nunca asistio a la escuela, nunca fue remunerado por sus anos de trabajo agotador y que vio el sobrevivir en las calles como subir un peldano en la vida. Nunca penso que seria amigo de un hombre blanco conductor de una camioneta y cliente de Starbucks.Esta tambien es la historia de Ron Hall, un exclusivo comerciante de arte con buen ojo para obras maestras y una nariz para encontrar ofertas. Al vivir en haciendas de Hollywood, galerias Soho, y castillos europeos, nunca se imagino que el siguiente capitulo de su vida seria escrito al interior de un...
Es la historia de Denver Moore, un hombre que nunca asistio a la escuela, nunca fue remunerado por sus anos de trabajo agotador y que vio el sobrevivi...
In his riveting memoir, Kamal Saleem reveals the story of his life as radical Islamic terrorist and how he finally came to renounce his murderous mission, embrace freedom, and warn America of the continuing dangers of terrorism. Born into a large Sunni Muslim family in Lebanon, Kamal was taught that the highest goal he could achieve in life was to be martyred while killing infidels, particularly Christians, Jews, and Americans. At age seven, he was recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood and entered an assault camp where members of al-Assifa, the armed branch of Fatah, trained for terror...
In his riveting memoir, Kamal Saleem reveals the story of his life as radical Islamic terrorist and how he finally came to renounce his murderous miss...
Indianapolis is the thrilling true story of the greatest naval disaster in United States history - the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis during World War II - and the fight for survival and redemption that followed.
Indianapolis is the thrilling true story of the greatest naval disaster in United States history - the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis during World...