Integrated circuits are expected to increase their speed and power dramatically and rapidly. New packaging techniques are required if the devices are to remain within cost and size constraints. The present volume addresses new hermetic packaging, new materials for thermal management and assembly, and new components that integrate multiple functions (embedded substrates and component arrays), while retaining previous high levels of reliability. The book embraces many developments in fundamental materials science and manufacturing processes of discrete components, as well as developments in...
Integrated circuits are expected to increase their speed and power dramatically and rapidly. New packaging techniques are required if the devices are ...
Integrated circuits are expected to increase their speed and power dramatically and rapidly. New packaging techniques are required if the devices are to remain within cost and size constraints. The present volume addresses new hermetic packaging, new materials for thermal management and assembly, and new components that integrate multiple functions (embedded substrates and component arrays), while retaining previous high levels of reliability. The book embraces many developments in fundamental materials science and manufacturing processes of discrete components, as well as...
Integrated circuits are expected to increase their speed and power dramatically and rapidly. New packaging techniques are required if the devices ar...
This is the first text to cover all aspects ofsolution processedfunctional oxide thin-films. Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) comprises all solution based thin- film deposition techniques, which involve chemical reactions of precursors during the formation of the oxide films, i. e. sol-gel type routes, metallo-organic decomposition routes, hybrid routes, etc. While the development of sol-gel type processes for optical coatings on glass by silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide dates from the mid-20th century, the first CSD derived electronic oxide thin films, such as lead zirconate...
This is the first text to cover all aspects ofsolution processedfunctional oxide thin-films. Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) comprises all solut...