In January of 1972 the "Golden Age of Opera" series of the Edward J. Smith Recordings was succeeded by the "Unique Opera Records Corporation" (UORC) and released two-hundred and eighty numbered releases between 1972 and December, 1977. Smith's final private label, the "A.N.N.A. Record Company" (ANNA) released seventy-three numbered issues between 1978 and 1982. Interspersed between UORC and ANNA, and spanning the years 1954 to 1981, numerous special label issues were released under fugitive names. As a companion to the first volume, "EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings The...
In January of 1972 the "Golden Age of Opera" series of the Edward J. Smith Recordings was succeeded by the "Unique Opera Records Corporation" (UORC...
William J. Collins Robert A. Margo Enterprising America Businesses Banks an
The rise of America from a colonial outpost to one of the world s most sophisticated and productive economies was facilitated by the establishment of a variety of economic enterprises pursued within the framework of laws and institutions that set the rules for their organization and operation. To better understand the historical processes central to American economic development, "Enterprising America" brings together contributors who address the economic behavior of American firms and financial institutionsand the associated legal institutions that shaped their behaviorthroughout the...
The rise of America from a colonial outpost to one of the world s most sophisticated and productive economies was facilitated by the establishment of ...