Abraham Lincoln's two great legacies to history--his extraordinary power as a writer and his leadership during the Civil War--come together in this close study of the President's use of the telegraph. Invented less than two decades before he entered office, the telegraph came into its own during the Civil War. In a jewel-box of historical writing, Wheeler captures Lincoln as he adapted his folksy rhetorical style to the telegraph, creating an intimate bond with his generals that would ultimately help win the war.
Abraham Lincoln's two great legacies to history--his extraordinary power as a writer and his leadership during the Civil War--come together in this...
GroBe Veranderungen in wichtigen Industrien bringen aufregende Zeiten. Die Computertechnologie hat in den letzten 40 Jahren viele Wandlungen erlebt, aber die aufregendste Wandlung bringt mehr Computerleistung zu den End benutzem. Veranderungen der Verarbeitungsmoglichkeiten und der Kom munikationsverbindungen haben die Moglichkeiten des Computers auf eine Weise direkt zum Einzelnen gebracht, die unsere Sichten auf die Geschafts welt revolutionieren. Professionelle Benutzer konnen Vorteile aus den auBergewohnlichen Mog lichkeiten ziehen, die jetzt fUr die Losung von Problemen zur Verfiigung...
GroBe Veranderungen in wichtigen Industrien bringen aufregende Zeiten. Die Computertechnologie hat in den letzten 40 Jahren viele Wandlungen erlebt, a...
Network revolutions of the past have shaped the present and set the stage for the revolution we are experiencing today. In this fascinating book, Tom Wheeler brings to life the two great network revolutions of the past and uses them to help put in perspective the confusion, uncertainty, and even excitement most people face today.
Network revolutions of the past have shaped the present and set the stage for the revolution we are experiencing today. In this fascinating book, Tom ...