A finales de setiembre del ano 2008, el banco de inversion Lehman Brothers, uno de los mas antiguos de Wall Street entro en bancarrota. Era casi un ano exacto desde que la bolsa de Nueva York hubiera entrado en caida - octubre 2007 - y casi ano y medio desde que emergiera la noticia que habian prestamos hipotecarios de mala calidad en el mercado internacional. El paso de las finanzas basadas en reservas a finanzas basadas en cobertura, en los anos 90, libero recursos de los bancos comerciales que ya no tenian porque guardar reservas por malos creditos. Esto ocurre cuando la dinamica de...
A finales de setiembre del ano 2008, el banco de inversion Lehman Brothers, uno de los mas antiguos de Wall Street entro en bancarrota. Era casi un an...
Oscar Ugarteche Alicia Payana Maria Alejandra Madi
In the short span of a few essays, this book takes the reader on a trip from the historical roots of the current financial architecture to the imaginable futures one can envision for it, only if there is the political will to change it. If we accept that, as put by the editors, financial markets’ marginal imperfections are rather endemic pathologies, the consequences for the financial architecture have Copernican proportions. Every scholar and practitioner interested in the problems posed by the global economy at a critical moment when it has reached what looks like a dead end,...
In the short span of a few essays, this book takes the reader on a trip from the historical roots of the current financial architecture to the imag...