Psychotherapy, like most other areas of health care, is a synthesis of scientific technique and artistic expression. The practice, like any other, is grounded in a series of standardized principles, theories, and techniques. Individual practitioners define themselves within the field by using these basic tools to achieve their therapeutic goals in novel ways, applying these rudimentary skills and guiding principles to each situation in new and exciting ways. Effective work can only be accomplished through a synthesis of the fundamental scientific methods and the creative application of these...
Psychotherapy, like most other areas of health care, is a synthesis of scientific technique and artistic expression. The practice, like any other, is ...
Extensive studies have shown cognitive-behavioral therapy to be highly effective in treating anxiety disorders, improving patients' social functioning, job performance, and quality of life. Yet every CBT clinician faces some amount of client resistance, whether in the form of "This won't work," "I'm too depressed," or even "You can't make me " Avoiding Treatment Failures in the Anxiety Disorders analyzes the challenges presented by non-compliance, and provides disorder- and population-specific guidance in addressing the impasses and removing the obstacles that derail therapy....
Extensive studies have shown cognitive-behavioral therapy to be highly effective in treating anxiety disorders, improving patients' social function...
Psychobiological Approaches for Anxiety Disorders presents a comprehensive overview of the latest empirical evidence and research results on combining pharmacological agents and CBT techniques for the treatment of anxiety disorders.
The first book to focus on the issue of enhancing CBT with pharmacological agents
Features chapters from leading authors in the fields of psychiatry, pharmacology, clinical psychology, neuroscience, and emotion research
Contributes significantly to the field by summarizing the contemporary research in combination...
Psychobiological Approaches for Anxiety Disorders presents a comprehensive overview of the latest empirical evidence and research results on co...
Die Frage nach der Erfahrbarkeit des Religiosen gehort am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts fur viele zu den brennenden Fragen im Blick auf Glaube und Religion. Einer jener grossen Denker, welche die Erfahrungsdimension des Glaubens am scharfsten in den Blick genommen haben, ist ohne Zweifel Kardinal John Henry Newman (1801-1890). Die Studie stellt sich die Aufgabe, Newmans Reflexion uber religiose Erfahrung, Glaubenserfahrung und Theologie systematisch zu durchdringen und kritisch darzustellen. Im Licht heutiger Wissenschaft zeigt sie, dass der -Kirchenlehrer der Moderne- auch in dieser Hinsicht...
Die Frage nach der Erfahrbarkeit des Religiosen gehort am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts fur viele zu den brennenden Fragen im Blick auf Glaube und Relig...
Psychotherapy, like most other areas of health care, is a synthesis of scientific technique and artistic expression. The practice, like any other, is grounded in a series of standardized principles, theories, and techniques. Individual practitioners define themselves within the field by using these basic tools to achieve their therapeutic goals in novel ways, applying these rudimentary skills and guiding principles to each situation. However, a toolbox full of treatment approaches, no matter how comprehensive, is not enough to effectively reach your patients. Effective work can only be...
Psychotherapy, like most other areas of health care, is a synthesis of scientific technique and artistic expression. The practice, like any other, ...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a simple, intuitive, and transparent treatment, is considered by many to be the most effective form of psychotherapy. It encompasses a family of interventions that share the same basic idea, namely that cognitions profoundly and causally influence emotions and behaviors and, thereby, contribute to the maintenance of psychiatric problems. An Introduction to Modern CBT provides the reader with an easily accessible introduction to current models of cognitive behavioral therapy, and describes important new developments in the field, including attention...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a simple, intuitive, and transparent treatment, is considered by many to be the most effective form of psychotherapy. It...
Grounded in cutting-edge scientific research, this book presents innovative ways to explore and work with emotions in psychotherapy. Preeminent clinician-researcher Stefan G. Hofmann accessibly explains how emotions operate, what influences them, and how they can cause distress. He presents strategies that can significantly improve existing evidence-based treatments and promote positive affect and happiness. Clinicians are guided to help clients with any diagnosis gain emotional awareness and use emotion regulation techniques, mindfulness-based practices, and other effective strategies. -In...
Grounded in cutting-edge scientific research, this book presents innovative ways to explore and work with emotions in psychotherapy. Preeminent clinic...