The theory of directed graphs has developed enormously over recent decades, yet this book (first published in 2000) remains the only book to cover more than a small fraction of the results. New research in the field has made a second edition a necessity.
Substantially revised, reorganised and updated, the book now comprises eighteen chapters, carefully arranged in a straightforward and logical manner, with many new results and open problems.
As well as covering the theoretical aspects of the subject, with detailed proofs of many important results, the authors present a number...
The theory of directed graphs has developed enormously over recent decades, yet this book (first published in 2000) remains the only book to cover ...
The theory of directed graphs has developed enormously over recent decades, yet this book (first published in 2000) remains the only book to cover more than a small fraction of the results. New research in the field has made a second edition a necessity.
Substantially revised, reorganised and updated, the book now comprises eighteen chapters, carefully arranged in a straightforward and logical manner, with many new results and open problems.
As well as covering the theoretical aspects of the subject, with detailed proofs of many important results, the authors present a number...
The theory of directed graphs has developed enormously over recent decades, yet this book (first published in 2000) remains the only book to cover ...
Nach der "Ersten Welle" Anfang der 90er Jahre, als Handys noch ein elitarer Luxus waren, und der "Zweiten Welle," in der Handys der breiten Bevolkerung zum unverzichtbaren Medium der alltaglichen Sprachkommunikation wurden, setzt nun mit einer "Dritten Welle" der finale Gestaltwandel des Handys ein es empfangt digitale Daten bald genauso selbstverstandlich wie Sprache: das Handy dient der Navigation in fremden Umgebungen, sendet und empfangt spontane Bildbotschaften, wird zur digitalen Kreditkarte, verbindet uns mit den Arbeitsablaufen im Buro usw. Die Autoren entfuhren auch den fachlich...
Nach der "Ersten Welle" Anfang der 90er Jahre, als Handys noch ein elitarer Luxus waren, und der "Zweiten Welle," in der Handys der breiten Bevolkerun...