Donovan and Winslow is a children's book series about two animated and colorful characters who undergo life lessons being taught in the stories. The purpose of this book series is to teach young children moralistic values and good character as they grow and mature. Donovan and Winslow's friendship help illustrate how to make good choices in life in a nurturing and humorous way. Hope you enjoy all the interesting stories and lessons Donovan and Winslow have to offer you
Donovan and Winslow is a children's book series about two animated and colorful characters who undergo life lessons being taught in the stories. Th...
This book is a collection of articles written by Charles Easley a black, gay, southern writer and columnist. Easley is a seasoned educator committed to challenging the minds of creative artist. Through the art of storytelling, Easley explores race, class, faith, gender, sexuality, media, and popular culture using insight and sometimes humor. Easley approaches sometimes very controversial and sensitive subjects in a way that allows readers regardless of their background to participate in an inclusive exchange of ideas and opinions.
This book is a collection of articles written by Charles Easley a black, gay, southern writer and columnist. Easley is a seasoned educator committed t...