RESEARCH ESSAYS ON ANCIENT EGYPT Would you like to be more aware of what's new in Egypt regarding the ancient culture? Are you aware of how the Egyptians are enhancing their treasures and what restrictions are being placed on visitors to these historic sites? Nevertheless, you can still enjoy a memorable visit given the wonders of the monuments, tremendous effort expended to enhance security and safety of these treasures and still partake of the wonderful hospitality and food fare the Egyptians are so famous for. Therefore, ... Research Essays on Ancient Egypt is a collection of early essays...
RESEARCH ESSAYS ON ANCIENT EGYPT Would you like to be more aware of what's new in Egypt regarding the ancient culture? Are you aware of how the Egypti...
Barack Obama: Master of Washington, DC With nearly fifty books that negatively portray the President, Barack Obama: Master of Washington, DC seeks to reverse that trend focusing on some positive traits that characterize the man, the office and the human and material challenges he has faced in his short time in office as reflected by this writer in newspaper articles in New York's Black Press written as Mr. Obama's tenure unfolded. From "Proud to Be President," "Leadership," "Obama in Africa," "Eternal Optimist," "President's Many Hats," "Excitement," "Obama Doctrine," "Quintessential,"...
Barack Obama: Master of Washington, DC With nearly fifty books that negatively portray the President, Barack Obama: Master of Washington, DC seeks to ...
MICHAEL JACKSON: THE LAST DANCE Michael Jackson: The Last Dance uniquely captures the expressive power of people in motion pouring forth warm feelings of joy and condolences in praising the legendary songbird who passed June 25, 2009. While photographs capture the heartfelt sentiments from the "tribute wall," the "altar of remembrance" at the Apollo Theater's marquee entrance, the tribute proper on the Apollo stage and excitement in the street; texts extol Michael in the most glorious manner as the greatest entertainer, an artiste extraordinaire, possessing great magical, mystical, even...
MICHAEL JACKSON: THE LAST DANCE Michael Jackson: The Last Dance uniquely captures the expressive power of people in motion pouring forth warm feelings...
HATSHEPSUT'S TEMPLE AT DEIR EL BAHARI Hatshepsut's Temple at Deir el Bahari is considered a wonderful experiment in ancient Egyptian art and architecture; as such it is a uniquely remarkable structure built in white limestone that's a sight to behold. More important, this work provides some insights into the men and a woman, avante garde in their thinking and actions at a time when females dared not rule However, given the opportunity, Queen Hatshepsut ruled well and was involved in many remarkable adventures and building projects, chief of which was her mortuary temple at Deir el Bahari, on...
HATSHEPSUT'S TEMPLE AT DEIR EL BAHARI Hatshepsut's Temple at Deir el Bahari is considered a wonderful experiment in ancient Egyptian art and architect...
INTRIGUE THROUGH TIME LADIES, have you ever looked for true love and couldn't find it then been "floored" by a handsome, dynamic and available young gentleman suddenly on the scene? Have you felt "your butter melt" in his presence and decided this is the person you would like to spend the rest of your life with? Have you had to strategize to keep your friends' "hands off your man?" If rich, have you wanted to share your wealth with this person because of how he makes you feel? Have your felt overjoyed in his presence at tourist spots, historically interesting places of your city, as in New...
INTRIGUE THROUGH TIME LADIES, have you ever looked for true love and couldn't find it then been "floored" by a handsome, dynamic and available young g...
WHERE ARE THE KAMITE KINGS Have you ever wondered 'Where are the Kamite Kings?' and 'Where have they left evidence of their existence?' Are you in need of a Short History of Ancient Egypt from the Prehistoric to Late Periods? If perhaps you have been to Egypt before, can photographic images help remind you of the wonderful sites you encountered on that memorable outing? If not, can these photographs entice you to hurriedly go on that visit? Where are the Kamite Kings? is written within the context of exploring locations across the historical landscape where respective kings have left evidence...
WHERE ARE THE KAMITE KINGS Have you ever wondered 'Where are the Kamite Kings?' and 'Where have they left evidence of their existence?' Are you in nee...
MICHAEL JACKSON: THE LAST DANCE Michael Jackson: The Last Dance uniquely captures the expressive power of people in motion pouring forth warm feelings of joy and condolences in praising the legendary songbird who passed June 25, 2009. While photographs capture the heartfelt sentiments from the "tribute wall," the "altar of remembrance" at the Apollo Theater's marquee entrance, the tribute proper on the Apollo stage and excitement in the street; texts extol Michael in the most glorious manner as the greatest entertainer, an artiste extraordinaire, possessing great magical, mystical, even...
MICHAEL JACKSON: THE LAST DANCE Michael Jackson: The Last Dance uniquely captures the expressive power of people in motion pouring forth warm feelings...
How to tribute Dr. Yosef Alfred Antonio ben-Jochannan, "Dr. Ben," the giant; an icon, master teacher, scholar extraordinaire, nationalist and uncompromising gadfly in defense of Africa and her sons and daughters, is the challenge posed in this quest. Naturally, sugar, some spice and a little photographic nicety is a significant first step in the journey to celebrate the life and work of an individual not afraid to be a consistent iconoclast in extolling the meaning and significance of Egypt and the Nile Valley experience while challenging the distorted projection that falsely portray European...
How to tribute Dr. Yosef Alfred Antonio ben-Jochannan, "Dr. Ben," the giant; an icon, master teacher, scholar extraordinaire, nationalist and uncompro...
OBAMA - MASTER AND COMMANDER is the third volume in the trilogy of the Obama Saga featuring Barack Obama: Ready, Fit to Lead and Barack Obama: Master of Washington, DC. Now OBAMA: MASTER AND COMMANDER focuses on some developments in the dynamics of Republican challenge to Mr. Obama's Presidency. As such, the author has argued, sometime after the 2008 election and certainly by Inauguration Day, a group of high level Republican leaders met and resolved to sabotage Mr. Obama's Presidency. This treasonous behavior was publicly enunciated in Senator Mitch McConnell commitment "to make Barack Obama...
OBAMA - MASTER AND COMMANDER is the third volume in the trilogy of the Obama Saga featuring Barack Obama: Ready, Fit to Lead and Barack Obama: Master ...
Black Nationalism: Alive and Well does not mean Black people are sitting around in treasonous gatherings and plotting to overthrow the US government; nor does it mean we are praying for this nation to become a failed state... More pointedly, Black Nationalism does mean, first, as Marcus Garvey instructed, we could be critical and patriotic Americans and still proactively advocate for Africa and Africans worldwide... as people/place of cultural origin. However, and most important, as we stand today, Black Nationalism does mean that African-Americans have risen to a high level of historical,...
Black Nationalism: Alive and Well does not mean Black people are sitting around in treasonous gatherings and plotting to overthrow the US government; ...