How I Made My Husband Gay is a self-help book for women who learn or suspect that they may be married to a gay/bisexual man. Compiled, edited, and contributed to by Bonnie Kaye, M. Ed., the international expert in the field of straight/gay marriages, this book helps women by revealing the signs and patterns in their marriages that could be "Red Flags." There are 35 stories from members of Kaye's international support group who talk about those signs they initially missed, as well as how they were blamed by their gay husbands for the failures in the marriages. Kaye also has her women discuss...
How I Made My Husband Gay is a self-help book for women who learn or suspect that they may be married to a gay/bisexual man. Compiled, edited, and con...
The Gay Husband Checklist for Women Who Wonder is Bonnie Kaye's revised updated version of her first book "Is He Straight? A Checklist for Women Who Wonder." The book offers a clear, concise perspective on the topic of straight/gay marriages based on Kaye's own experience plus 25 years of counseling over 35,000 women in the United States and around the world.
This is the only book of its kind which contains easy-to-use checklists that outline and reveal the tell-tale signs and personality traits of potentially gay husbands as well as a checklist for the prototype of women...
The Gay Husband Checklist for Women Who Wonder is Bonnie Kaye's revised updated version of her first book "Is He Straight? A Checklis...
Bonnie Kaye's Straight Talk is a collection of the best of her monthly newsletters from 2001 - 2008. These are the newsletters that her support network members call their "lifeline" when unraveling the complexities of their marriages to their gay husbands.
In Kaye's own words, "This is the best survival guide for women who suspect or find out that their husbands are homosexual. These newsletters were written from my heart about my own life experiences as well as those of some of my support network members. I clearly explain how and why your husbands are gay, as well as...
Bonnie Kaye's Straight Talk is a collection of the best of her monthly newsletters from 2001 - 2008. These are the newsletters that h...
Over the Cliff is a self-help book for husbands and wives living in straight/gay marriages. Over three million gay men in the United States and millions more around the world are living double lives in marriages to women due to societal pressures or a lack of understanding their homosexuality at the time of marriage. This book has over a dozen interviews with men who have lived through this experience and offer their insights to others.
The book is co-authored by Bonnie Kaye, M.Ed., an internationally recognized counseling specialist for straight wives married to gay men and Doug...
Over the Cliff is a self-help book for husbands and wives living in straight/gay marriages. Over three million gay men in the United States ...
Bonnie Kaye, M.Ed. is an internationally acclaimed counseling expert and author in the field of straight/gay marriages. Her first Straight Wives: Shattered Lives book, released in 2006, received wonderful reviews from women around the world who felt connected to the 27 women from five different continents who told their stories about their marriages to a gay/bisexual husband. This new book explores the lives of 22 additional women who are part of Kaye's support group from the United States, Canada, England, and Australia. Their heartbreaking stories tell about their marriages to...
Bonnie Kaye, M.Ed. is an internationally acclaimed counseling expert and author in the field of straight/gay marriages. Her first Straight Wives...
ManReaders: A Woman's Guide to Dysfunctional Men is a self-help book to teach women how to check out men before entering into a relationship that could lead to disaster. This book provides important information about the millions of men who suffer from various issues including sexual, emotional, and mental health problems making them bad risks as partners. Bonnie Kaye, M.Ed., a nationally recognized and established relationship counselor for nearly 30 years for women involved with or married to sexually dysfunctional men, clearly defines the potential problems that women need to...
ManReaders: A Woman's Guide to Dysfunctional Men is a self-help book to teach women how to check out men before entering into a relationship...
Doomed Grooms: Gay and Bisexual Husbands in Straight Marriages is a self-help book for both women who discover or suspect that their husbands are gay/bisexual and for those men who are ready to come out to their wives. Written by counselor Bonnie Kaye, M.Ed., the international expert in the field of straight/gay marriages, this book is a follow-up to her first book, The Gay Husband Checklist for Women Who Wonder. Topics covered include the loss of women's self and sexual esteem, the effect of the Internet in luring men into the world of homosexuality, the controversy of...
Doomed Grooms: Gay and Bisexual Husbands in Straight Marriages is a self-help book for both women who discover or suspect that their husband...
Gay Husbands Say the Darndest Things is a compilation of writings by Bonnie Kaye, M.Ed., the international counseling specialist for straight/gay marriages and 50 women from her support network in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. The biggest problem facing women who unknowingly marry gay/bisexual men is the lack of a confession by their husbands. To keep their homosexuality a secret, gay men who marry straight women will blame the problems of the marriage on their wives even though it is caused by their own frustration of being stuck in a marriage to a...
Gay Husbands Say the Darndest Things is a compilation of writings by Bonnie Kaye, M.Ed., the international counseling specialist for straigh...
Jennifer Needle in Her Arm explores the emotional turmoil that parents go through when they have either lost a child to drugs or have to deal with a child currently addicted to drugs. Bonnie Kaye, who lost her daughter Jennifer in 2002 at the age of 22, suffered the guilt and shame almost all good parents go through in the aftermath of losing a child to drugs. In this book, Kaye talks about the journey she and her daughter went through together, and how in the end, nothing she did changed the outcome. She shares some articles she wrote in the years following her loss to help...
Jennifer Needle in Her Arm explores the emotional turmoil that parents go through when they have either lost a child to drugs or have to dea...