"It is certainly no exaggeration to say that A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra aims to lead a further stage in the computational revolution in commutative algebra . Among the great strengths and most distinctive features is a new, completely unified treatment of the global and local theories. making it one of the most flexible and most efficient systems of its type....another strength of Greuel and Pfister's book is its breadth of coverage of theoretical topics in the portions of commutative algebra closest to algebraic geometry,...
From the reviews of the first edition:
"It is certainly no exaggeration to say that A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra aims to l...
Sets out to study the notion of a local moduli suite of algebraic objects like schemes, singularities or Lie algebras. This book addresses mathematicians working on problems of moduli, in algebraic or in complex analytic geometry.
Sets out to study the notion of a local moduli suite of algebraic objects like schemes, singularities or Lie algebras. This book addresses mathematici...
Ein idealer Einstieg fur Studierende der Informatik in die Mathematik, da jedes Kapitel mit konkreten, dem Leser vertrauten Begriffen oder Situationen beginnt. Davon ausgehend wird schrittweise abstrahiert bis hin zu den gebrauchlichen abstrakten Begriffen der modernen Mathematik, in jedem Kapitel viele interessante Situationen des Alltagslebens beschrieben werden, in denen die zuvor eingefuhrten abstrakten Begriffe und die bewiesenen Ergebnisse zum Einsatz kommen. Dabei wird auf Anwendungen eingegangen, die einen engen Bezug zur Informatik besitzen: Routenplaner, Google-Suche,...
Ein idealer Einstieg fur Studierende der Informatik in die Mathematik, da jedes Kapitel mit konkreten, dem Leser vertrauten Begriffen oder Situatio...
Singularity theory is an area of mathematics at the crossroads of algebraic geometry, topology, and differential equations. Initiated by Thom, Arnol'd and others in the 1970s, it quickly developed into a central area of mathematics. Challenging problems on singularities were both a driving force and a beneficiary of the development of Grobner basis methods in computer algebra. This unique volume is a collection of recent original research by some of the leading figures of singularity theory of the last three decades. The articles highlight a large variety of techniques, ranging from...
Singularity theory is an area of mathematics at the crossroads of algebraic geometry, topology, and differential equations. Initiated by Thom, Arno...