Don't worry... he's up there Since time immemorial, humans have looked upward toward the shimmering light of the moon and wondered about the fantastical happenings that were, perhaps, taking place on its craggy surface-a timeless, dreamlike desire personified in the mythic figure of the "Man in the Moon." Even in the decades since humanity has chartered, via man and machine, its once-unknown terrain, the moon still radiates an enduring, alluring mystique for children and adults alike. "The Man in the Moon," a novel by novelist, screenplay and teleplay author Neil Bloom, and the first in the...
Don't worry... he's up there Since time immemorial, humans have looked upward toward the shimmering light of the moon and wondered about the fantasti...
A properly implemented and managed RCM program can save millions in unscheduled maintenance and breakdowns. However, many have found the process daunting. Written by an expert with over 30 years of experience, this book introduces innovative approaches to simplify the RCM process such as: single vs. multiple failure analysis, hidden failures analysis, potentially critical components analysis, run-to-failure and the difference between redundant, standby, and backup functions. Included are real life examples of flawed preventive maintenance programs and how they led to disasters that could have...
A properly implemented and managed RCM program can save millions in unscheduled maintenance and breakdowns. However, many have found the process daunt...