This text discusses the mathematical analysis of social systems, understood in the following way: social systems consist of social actors who interact according to specific rules of interactions; the dynamics of social systems is then the consequences of these interactions, viz., the self-organization of social systems. According to particular demands of their environment, social systems are able to behave in an adaptive manner, that is they can change their rules of interaction by certain meta rules and thus generate a meta dynamics. It is possible to model and analyze mathematically both...
This text discusses the mathematical analysis of social systems, understood in the following way: social systems consist of social actors who interact...
In this book, the authors demonstrate how an integration of hermeneutical understanding and scientific explanation can be done via the construction of suited geometrical models with neural networks of processes of understanding. The goal is a unified science.
In this book, the authors demonstrate how an integration of hermeneutical understanding and scientific explanation can be done via the construction...
The central topic of this book is the mathematical analysis of social systems, understood in the following rather classical way: social systems consist of social actors who interact according to specific rules of interactions; the dynamics of social systems is then the consequences of these interactions, viz., the self-organization of social systems. According to particular demands of their environment, social systems are able to behave in an adaptive manner, that is they can change their rules of interaction by certain meta rules and thus generate a meta dynamics. It is possible to model and...
The central topic of this book is the mathematical analysis of social systems, understood in the following rather classical way: social systems consis...
The volume deals with the question of regularities in the course of sociocultural evolution. The evolutionary process of societies is defined as the generation of social roles and their relations; a role is understood as a pair of social rules and role specific knowledge. Accordingly evolution is the growth of cultural knowledge and the development of a network of social roles. These theoretical assumptions are clarified and tested via a mathematical model, i.e., a sociocultural algorithm (SCA). Computer simulations show that the evolutionary course of societies is determined by an...
The volume deals with the question of regularities in the course of sociocultural evolution. The evolutionary process of societies is defined as th...
In diesem Buch geht es um die Programmiertechniken, die zur Implementation sog. naturanaloger Verfahren erforderlich sind. Dabei handelt es sich um Zellularautomaten, Boolesche Netze, Evolutionare Algorithmen, Simulated Annealing, Fuzzy-Methoden und Neuronale Netze. Der Band ist wegen seiner Konzentration auf Programmiertechniken ein Erganzungsband zu dem Buch Modellierung von Komplexitat durch naturanaloge Verfahren . Es werden keine speziellen Programmierkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, sondern nur die Kenntnis einer der heute ublichen Sprachen wie JAVA oder C#. Die Anleitungen fur das...
In diesem Buch geht es um die Programmiertechniken, die zur Implementation sog. naturanaloger Verfahren erforderlich sind. Dabei handelt es sich um Ze...
Der Tite dieser Arbeit stellt die Arbeit bewu t in die Tradition, die durch den soziologi schen Klassiker von Berger 1 Luckmann "die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion der Wirklich keit" in der Bundesrepublik zur Entfaltung ge angt ist. Ich folge in dieser Studie den in haltlichen Ergebnissen und Grundannahmen von Berger 1 Luckmann keineswegs; in we sentlichen Punkten unterscheide ich mich sehr dezidiert von ihnen. Dennoch glaube ich, da ihr Grundgedanke, soziale Realitat als Ergebnis von menschlichen Konstruktions prozessen aufzufassen, bei kaum einem anderen Autor so klar und vor allem so...
Der Tite dieser Arbeit stellt die Arbeit bewu t in die Tradition, die durch den soziologi schen Klassiker von Berger 1 Luckmann "die gesellschaftlich...